Actively supporting top teams: high-performance team design

Actively Supporting Top Teams: High-Performance Team Design

You want to develop your team, take it further and shape it into a special team? You may have experienced it yourself: there are teams that work so well that having been part of that team becomes a strategic moment in your career. The team is known across borders in the company for the power, energy and solutions they unleash and develop.

We develop high-performance team designs for our clients locally, nationally and internationally. We actively guide teams through the various team development phases towards becoming an extraordinary and remarkable team.

We actively experience and design the following seven phases of team development with you as our client.

  1. Orientate yourself
  2. Build trust
  3. Clarify goals
  4. Declare readiness
  5. Implement
  6. Do a great job
  7. Renew

Often our clients' teams are confronted with the fact that mindset, time zones, cultures and entrenched conflicts significantly hinder the team process. Here we find solutions quickly with the team and design sustainable changes.

REC is your experienced and competent provider in the intensive support and development of teams towards high-performance teams.